Thirty bee colonies in two groups, А-treated with anti-acarine drugs and В-untreated (controls), with queens of the Augustów, caucasian and crainian races were examied in 1987—1989. In the first year of the invasion (1987) in September the extensiveness of Varroa invasion (E.i) in bees with the Augustów queen treated was 3.0%, untreated 3.0%, and with caucasian and crainian queens 1.4%, 2.9% and 1.4%, 3.3%, respectively. In the second year of Varroa invasion (1988) the E.i. in bee colonies with the Augustów geen treated was 6.3%, untreated 6.9%, with caucasian queen 2.8% and 5.85 and with crainian queen 3.8% and 4.3%. Brood in treated colonies was not heavily infested (worker brood 0—5.5%, drone brood 0—8.21%) in controls it ranged from 1.6 to 10.0%. In the third year of invasion (1989) the E.i. in treated colonies with the Augustów queen was 0—3.0% untreated 3.0—40.2%, with caucasian queen treated 0.6—1.4%, untreated 1.4—71.4%, and with crainian queen treated 0.7—1.4%, untreated 1.4—71.4%. The above results point to a lack of a significant resistance of individual race of the bees to V. jacobsoni invasion.