W 2009 roku odkryto nowe stanowisko fiołka mokradłowego Viola stagnina Kit. na Pojezierzu Zachodniosuwalskim, we wsi Garbas Pierwszy (ATPOL FB0612). Gatunek odnotowano w kilku zagłębieniach terenowych poza doliną rzeczną, w obrębie łąki kośno-pastwiskowej, gdzie wiosną stagnuje woda opadowo-roztopowa. Fiołek mokradłowy jest rzadkim i zagrożonym wyginięciem przedstawicielem polskiej flory oraz gatunkiem ustawowo wymagającym ochrony czynnej
During the floristic research carried out in the Zachodniosuwalskie Lakeland a new locality of Viola stagnina Kit. was found (ATPOL square: FB0612) in 2009. Fen violet grew in a meadow, mown and grazed in the Garbas Pierwszy village. The plant was noticed in three connected sunken hollows, with the meltwater and rainwater stagnating to the spring. Such localization is worthy of note, because usually the species is found within river valleys. The presence of Viola stagnina in a such habitat is related to the specific relief (lowering between the hills of the front moraine) and to the traditional, extensive use of the meadow (mowing once a year and pasturing). Following factors can pose a threat for the species: changes of water relations formed as a result of the midfield swamps desiccation, leveling the terrain by covering up the hollows, changes of the traditional use like relinquishment of mowing and pasturing or ploughing up the meadow. Viola stagnina is rare and endangered in Poland and needs active protection. The stabilization of habitat, obtained thanks to regular mowing and grazing is a good way for conservation of Viola stagnina in described locality