The research was carried out within three forest-park complexes located in the south-western part of the Poznań city, which once had the status of ecological uses. The aim of the work was to inventory a dendroflora for the selection of trees with monumental dimensions. In addition, changes in the participation of monumental trees in local vegetation over the last 12 years had been analysed. During the current inventory, 58 monumental specimens were recorded in three afforestation complexes. Most of them grew at Leszczyńska street (31 specimens), and the least at Tyniecka street (6). Since 2004 tree trunk perimeters had increased on average of 18.5 cm. All activities, including conservation works, undertaken in the three described afforestation complexes, or in the immediate vicinity, should lead to the preservation of these objects, their protection against devastation and to expose their most valuable fragments.