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W sprawie badań nad rolą toksoplazmozy w położnictwie


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On the investigations of the role of toxoplasmosis in obstetrics
K voprosu issledovanijj nad rol'ju toksoplazmoza v akysherstve

Języki publikacji



A discussing article written from a critical angle sums up some more important tasks of gynaecology in the knowledge of toxoplasmosis. It distinguishes facts and hypotheses. The conclusions of the former may already be widely applied in practise, while the latter has first to be proved. It turns the attention to the different pictures of congenital toxoplasmosis and its acquired shape especially in the mild from, which should be recognized by gynaecologists in pregnant mothers. It must be decided if and how often is toxoplasmosis the cause of congenital defectiveness, abortion and especially habitual abortions. So far the proves are very scanty though the majority of practitioners in such cases willingly recognizes toxoplasmosis. A warning is given as to the influence of pyrimethanine which is sometimes harmful, the mistakes of the practise and non-sufficiently proved descriptions of toxoplasmosis. A thorough investigation is still required to acknowledge the mechanism of the passage of parasites through the placenta and changes caused thereby.

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  • Zakład Parazytologii, Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszawa


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