Babka łysa Neogobius gymnotrachelus (Kessler, 1857) jest gatunkiem pontokaspijskim. W Polsce uznawana jest za gatunek obcy. W 2009 roku w polskiej części Strwiąża (dorzecze Dniestru) stwierdzono bardzo liczną populację babki łysej, którą można uznać za rodzimą i w tym sensie wyraźnie różni się ona od stanowisk w dorzeczu Wisły, gdzie jest gatunkiem inwazyjnym. Przypuszczalnie jest to jedyna rodzima populacja babki łysej w Polsce
Racer goby Neogobius gymnotrachelus (Kessler, 1857) is a species native to the Ponto-Caspian region. It occurs, among others, in the Danube, Dniester and Dnieper river basins. Racer goby is considered to be an alien species in the Polish ichthyofauna within the Baltic Sea catchment. It invaded the middle Bug River and the lower Vistula River from the Dnieper River basin. Racer goby expansion was facilitated by human activity. In September 2009, a large population of racer goby was found in the Polish part of the Strwiąż River (the Dniester River basin) close to the Ukrainian border (49°28′42″N, 22°41′17″E). Racer goby was the most abundant species in the area. Relatively high density and a large number of juveniles indicate the presence of suitable habitat conditions for this species. It seems that the locality of the racer goby in the Strwiąż River can be considered as natural and located within the native distribution range. In this sense, it clearly differs from all the localities in the Vistula River basin, where this species is regarded as alien and potentially invasive