Data are presented concerning vaccines used in the prophylaxis and control of some viral and bacterial infectious diseases of swine, particularly against: MPS, PRRS, PMWS CSF, AD, SI, E. coli, Cl. perfringens type C and A and oedema disease. The lower efficacy in immunization of inactivated vaccines is stressed. However in case of live vaccines against PRRS this is not always the case since also live attenuated vaccines deliver unsatisfactory results of immunization. This is explained by frequently occurring genetic changes in the genome of the field PRRSV strains in comparison with the strain or strains being in the vaccine. Vaccines against PMWS are characterized, underlining high efficacy of the vaccines in the Baculovirus system. After withdrawing from field use against CSF the vaccines Lapest and Cellpest a recombinant vaccine against CSF was introduced for control of this disease. A recombinant vaccine against AD of swine is mentioned, which was successfully used in eradication program in Europe. Of high practical value is mentioned a vaccine against SI containing subptypes H1N1, H3N2 and H1N1. Referring to vaccines against viral diseases of swine marker vaccines were mentioned enabling differentiation of animals infected from vaccinated (DIVA strategy). At the beginning of the XXI century several new and effective vaccines were developed, produced and used against diarrheal diseases of different etiology and for the first time against oedema disease. The role of strategy of vaccination depending on the characteristic of the infectious disease, the vaccine and the production system of swine is present.