Scientific and methodological literature is analyzed in the article, basic regulatory acts governing the issues of preservation of children’s health are also considered; opinions are outlined and the reasons which , as the authors of the article believe, stipulate the current situation. Theoretical analysis of the problem of the sanatory program implementation in the modern school education is carried out. The results proving the advisability of usage of the Rufje test for the division of the children into the groups at the physical training lessons are set forth. Correctly developed and implemented technique of physical exercises at the physical training lessons and athletic training will allow overcome negative tendencies, to improve the children’s health and to provide differentiated approach to the pupils at the lessons. Health is the state of complete physical, spiritual and social prosperity, but not only the absence of illnesses or physical disabilities. According to the definition of concept of health, by the concept of healthy lifestyle in the widest sense everything in human activities , that favors the preservation and strengthening of health, and everything, that assists a person to perform private and social functions, is being accepted. In specific biological-and-medical sense the healthy lifestyle includes in itself the harmonious way of work and rest combination, optimal nutrition, physical activities, hygiene keeping, the absence of harmful habits, positive attitude towards social surrounding and to life in general.