To establish the detectability of threadworms in individual examinations by NIH method 1834 persons from rural environment were examined. If three serial examinations fail to show presence of threadworms in persons with close contact (housemates infected with oxyuriasis), the examinations are continued. The highest number of examinations performed in one person amounted to 8. The percentage of positive results in the first examination was 23.7, in the second - 13.7, in the third - 9.2, in the fourth - 5.2, being considerably lower in the next ones. Assuming that the persons with negative results who were not subjected to the fourth and next examinations are infected with oxyuriasis to the same degree as are those with further examinations, the estimation was based on the number of positive results in the group of nonexamined persons. The percentage of threadworm invasion after 8 examinations was 41.9 instead of the estimated 48.2. After four examinations the difference between the percentage detected and estimated was only 1.8%. The fourth examination, as compared with the third, will increase the positive results from 2.8 to 6.4%. In view of this, a series of three examinations would be desirable.