In an attempt to understand the molecular basis of salt-stress response in sugarcane, physio-biochemical assays and cDNA-RAPD-based gene expression studies under high salt (2% NaCl) supply regimes were initiated. The comparative rates of total protein, proline content and lipid peroxidation were found steadily increased, while total chlorophyll content was decreased in leaves of salttreated over untreated sugarcane plants at corresponding increase in soil electrical conductivity. The comparative transcript responses to salt stress were monitored by ribotyping of both treated and untreated sugarcane plants at early growth stage. Among 335 differentially expressed transcript-derived fragments, 156 up- and 85 down-regulated were reamplified and sequenced. They were functionally categorized as metabolism, DNA/RNA/cellular processes, signal transduction/cell rescue/defense, cell wall modifications, transcriptional regulation, transport/trafficking, retroelements and unknown/hypothetical proteins.