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Effect of manganese on nutrient content in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) leaves


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Manganese (Mn) is a microelement, but it is also a heavy metal whose excess may have a toxic effect on plants. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of an application of increasing Mn concentrations added to a nutrient solution on the content of macro- and mi- cronutrients in tomato leaves (Lycopersicon esculentum Mili., cv. Alboney F4 and Emotion F,). Plants were grown in rockwool using a nutrient solution with the following content of manga­nese (mg dm'3): 0.06; 0.3; 0.6; 1.2 (experiment I, in 2008-2011); 2.4, 4.8; 9.6; 19.2 mg dm3 (expe- riment II, in 2012) - designated the symbols Mn-0; Mn-0.3; Mn-0.6; Mn-1.2; Mn-2.4; Mn-4.8; Mn-9.6; Mn-19.2. The nutrient solution used for plant fertigation had the following Chemical composition (mg dm'3): N-N'H4 2.2, N-N03 230, P 50, K 430, Ca 145, Mg 65, Cl 35, S-SO, 120, Fe 2.48, Zn 0.50, Cu 0.07, pH 5.50, EC 3.00 mS cm1. Manganese significantly influenced the content of other macro- and microelements in leaves. In variant Mn-0, the content of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn decreased, while that of of Fe, Zn, Cu was higher; in Mn-1.2, the content of N, Mg, Fe, Zn decreased and that of P, K, Ca, Mn increased compared with the variants which ensured optimal yielding. In the rangę of manganese nutrition from Mn-4.8 to Mn-19.2, N, K, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu were lower and the content of P and Mn was higher (above optimal). The cultivar signifi­cantly modified the nutrient status of plants concerning nitrogen (for Mn-9.6 and Mn-19.2), pho- sphorus (for Mn-1.2 and Mn-2.4), potassium (for Mn-4.8 and Mn-9.6), calcium (for Mn-0, Mn-1.2, Mn-9.6), magnesium (Mn-0 and Mn-0.6), iron (Mn-0, Mn-0.3, Mn-9.6), manganese (Mn-0.3, Mn- 1.2, Mn-2.4, Mn-19.2), iron (Mn-0, Mn-0.3, Mn-9.6), zinc (Mn-0.6, Mn-1.2, Mn-2.4, Mn-9.6) and copper (Mn-2.4, Mn-4.8, Mn-9.6, Mn-19.2). Briefly, both deficit or excess manganese nutrition could induce disorders in the uptake of other nutrients, which may influence plant yielding.

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Opis fizyczny



  • Chair of Plant Nutrition, University of Life Sciences in Poznan, Zgorzelecka 4, 60-198 Poznan, Poland


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