The aim of the study was to find the relationship between some postpartum disorders and pregnancy losses (PL), and the influence of PL on further fertility of Holstein-Friesian dairy cows. The 1,056 pregnancies and 906 calving intervals (CI) of 378 cows during the nine-year observation period were analysed. The average milk yield during this period increased from 7,500 to 10,500 kg/305 d of lactation. All cows up to 4 weeks after calving were gynecologically examined and cases of genital tract disorders were recorded and treated. Artificial inseminations (AI) were made using commercial frozen/thawed semen. In cows with silent ovulation, oestrus was induced by injection of PGF₂α or programmes using PGF₂α and GnRH, or hCG were applied. Pregnancy was diagnosed with the use of ultrasonography or foetal membrane slip only from 30 and 42 d after service, respectively, and re-diagnosed between 70 and 90 d after AI. The cases of „early foetal loss" up to 90 d and ,,mid-to-late PL" between 91 and 260 d after AI were recorded. Endometritis was noted in 31.8%, ovarian cysts in 8.5%, whereas ovarian inactivity in 4.6% of cows. Early PL was observed in 5.2%, whereas mid-to-late PL in 6.8% of cows (total 12%). From all analysed factors, the influence of delayed or periodical lack of ovarian activity was significant with regard to early PL (P=0.029). The probability of early PL increased when besides the diagnosis of ovarian inactivity, AI was made following an induced oestrus (P=0.003). CI for cows, which did not lost pregnancy amounted 442.9 d. The early, mid-to-late and multiple PL extended the CI to 579.6, 661.1 and 657.7 d, respectively (P<0.05). Concurrently, CI for cows with "early foetal loss" was significantly shorter comparing to cows with "mid-to-late foetal loss" (579.6 d vs.661.1 d; P<0.05). On average 2.6 inseminations for one pregnancy were needed, and each PL increased the AI index. Significant differences were stated after early and multiple foetal losses (5.2 and 5.1 vs. 2.6; P<0.05).