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2012 | 36 | 4 |

Tytuł artykułu

Sytuacja mieszkaniowa w Polsce - pierwsze wyniki NSP 2011 na tle lat 1988 i 2002


Warianty tytułu

Housing in Poland - ihe initial results of 2011 National Census versus years 1988 and 2002

Języki publikacji



The article analyses and assesses the initial results of the 2011 National Census, in comparison with selected findings of 1988 and 2002 National Census to establish the scale and general direction of changes in the housing situation in Poland. The findings show that the results of 2011 National Census, published as a report, are not very comparable, not only to findings of 1988 National Census, which was conducted in different social/economic system, but also to the data from 2002 National Census. There is also a number of doubts in relation to the content of information published. 2011 National Census data is much narrower than that from 2002. The key gap in data for 2011, making it impossible to assess the changes in the structure of housing, is the lack of information on the number and structure of households. The 2011 National Census report lacks information on housing by urban versus rural areas. 2011 National Census report also lacks information on apartments by those inhabited versus unoccupied. 2011 National Census report also lacks data on the number of inhabitants per apartment, which greatly reduces the possible analysis of housing conditions. This only allows to present saturation with apartments calculated as a number of apartments per 1000 persons. The initial results of 2011 National Census show a very low increase in the population residing in Poland compared to years 1988 and 2002. The stagnation of the total population and the share of urban population with negative balance of internal migration results in a lower size of population residing in the country compared to that actually residing in 2011. While the number of apartments in the years 1989-2011 grew by 2 million, the improved saturation with apartments is mainly attributable to the stable population of Poland. Given the drop in the average age of apartments and their increased size, the data included in the National Census make it impossible to reliably assess the degree the resources have improved due to the misleading data in 2011 National Census versus the definitions included. Additionally, data from National Census 2002 and 2011 show surprisingly low changes, compared to the period 1989-2002, in almost all basic forms of ownership in the housing resources. In many cases, the data from National Census 2011 are not convincing, which is concerning, especially given they are treated as the basis for the current housing policy.








Opis fizyczny



  • Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Handlowe, Szkoła Główna Handlowa, ul.Wiśniowa 41, 02-520 Warszawa


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