In shrubbery complexes of „Biedrusko” Protected Landscape Area 43 species of Pimplinae subfamily and 2 species of Poemeninae subfamily (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) were found. The species of Pimplinae subfamily constituted 31.1% of Polish fauna species and 62.3% of those reported from Wielkopolska. The following were dominant: Pimpla contemplator (D5 = 35.1%), Itoplectis maculator (D5 = 14.7%), Itoplectis alternans (D5 = 11.6%) and Pimpla turionellae (D4 = 5.3%). The most numerous group were parasitoids of Micro- and Macrolepidoptera (55.5% of the reported species) and of Arachnida (22.3%). For the first time in Wielkopolska shrubbery the following species were found: Ephialtes manifestator, Itoplectis viduata, Perithous albicinctus, Polysphincta boops and Theronia atalantae (Pimplinae) and Podoschistus scutellaris (Poemeniinae).