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2017 | 09 | 4 |

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The diagnostic value of attributes from an optimum set of variables for explaining an outcome in powerlifting at the junior level

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The sport of powerlifting has been extensively studied, but there is lack of information on an optimum list of features that explain performance in 19–20-years-old contestants. Therefore, the study aimed at two research objectives: (1) to determine a minimum set of attributes contributing the most information to an outcome; (2) to develop a biometric model describing the sport result. The study group (n = 30) consisted of athletes (aged 19.38 ±0.84) competing in powerlifting. Two methods for collecting information were used: observation and a diagnostic survey. Analytical methods comprised the multiple regression and Hellwig’s method. An analysis revealed that the optimum set of explanatory variables of the sport result in powerlifting, at the junior level, consists of 9 features. The coefficient of determination for the biometric model designed on their basis was 0.91. Integral capacity of selected information carriers totaled 0.89. The axillary chest circumference at maximum inhalation has the highest information content on an outcome in powerlifting at the junior level. An optimal model of sport performance in young powerlifters explains variance in more than 68%.

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  • Invicta Fertility and Reproductive Center, Gdansk, Poland
  • Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport in Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland
  • The Gdansk School of Banking, Gdansk, Poland
  • Invicta Fertility and Reproductive Center, Gdansk, Poland


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