The investigations were carried out on 35 dairy cows: 18 experimental cows receiving Inmodulen and 17 controls. Inmodulen, a bacterial immunostimulator was administered to experimental cows on the day of calving and on day 14 thereafter. The blood was sampled once a week during the first five weeks of lactation. The level of chemiluminescence (CL) was determined by a luminometer BioOrbit 1251. The phenotype of subpopulations of T lymphocytes (CD2, CD4, CD8) was also examined. The total antioxidative status (TAS) of plasma was determined as well as the activity of SOD, GPX and CAT. Inmodulen was given twice, and caused a significant increase in the percentage of lymphocyte CD4 subpopulation along with an increase in CL, which directly points to an increase in bactericidal activity of neutrophils. The activation of these cells did influence the pro/antioxidative equilibrium of plasma TAS and the activity of SOD and CAT; however, it caused the increase of GPX activity.