Agroturystyka stanowi potencjalnie ważny czynnik wielofunkcyjnego rozwoju obszarów wiejskich. Podstawowe czynniki mające wpływ na rozwój gospodarstw agroturystycznych to walory przyrodnicze, krajobrazowe, kulturowe oraz zabytkowe budowle. Przedstawiono wyniki badań ankietowych (przeprowadzonych na przełomie 2001/2002 roku) województwa podlaskiego dotyczące rozwoju gospodarstw agroturystycznych po okresie transformacji systemu społeczno-gospodarczego kraju.
In Podlasie voivodship there has taken place in recent years the sustainable development of agrotourism farms as well as cooperating institutions such as agroturism associations, agriculture consultative teams and chambers of agrotourism. Agrotourism farms in the studied area have at their disposal excellent and varied accommodation base and cheap and good cooking. They offer rooms to let, holiday lodgings and holiday cottages. In spite of diverse difficulties Podlasie voivodship is a region conductive to the development of agrotourism and agrotourism farms. Findings of the research allow to draw the following inferences: - Podlasie voivodship has at its disposal unpolluted nature, water regions, such as lakes, rivers, ponds and artificial lakes, beautiful landscapes, as well as monuments of nature, - the development of agrotourism farms was contibuted by unprofitable conditions for agricultural farms (i. e. low profits from forming), - service takers emphasize that they have enjoyed unheard - of hospitality in most of agrotourism farms.