At the Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute, Sośnicowice Branch, in 2009–2010, the studies were conducted on the efficacy of the insecticide Proteus 110 OD (lambda-cyhalothrin) and its tank-mixtures with fungicides – Impact 125 SC, Orius 250 EW, Sparta 250 EW, Tebu 250 EW against cabbage seed weevil (Ceutorhynchus assimilis Payk), brassica pod midge (Dasyneura brassicae Winn.) and fungal pathogens (Alternaria spp., Botryotinia fuckeliana) during flowering growth stage of winter oilseed rape. All tested mixtures provided a significant control against C. assimilis and D. brassicae pests and fungal diseases of winter oilseed rape pods. In comparison with the control, tested mixtures had also a significant impact on the increase in seed yield in the experimental plots.