W pracy przedstawiono kształtowanie się spożycia owoców i ich przetworów w latach 1993-2003. Przeanalizowano także strukturę spożycia oraz tendencje w konsumpcji poszczególnych produktów z tej grupy. Przedstawiając spożycie w odniesieniu do ich produkcji w Polsce określono stopień samowystarczalności.
Consumption of fruit and their preserves in the 1993-2003 were low and didn't covered nutritional recommendations in Poland. Mainly fresh fruits were consumed and among them the apples had the biggest share. There were the trend in the increasing of fruit consumption, but mostly increased the consumption of the south fruits. The fruit production in Poland exceeded their consumption which show that there were self-sufficiency on the market of moderate fruits. The fruit production in Poland exceeded their consumption. It suggests that the market of moderate fruits were self-sufficient.