The examinations were carried out in 109 women, treated with radiation energy (gamma and X-rays) because of neoplasms of the genital organ, to find out the presence of T. vaginalis. An appreciable percentage (87.2%) of Trichomonas detection suggests a certain correlation between the two parallel pathologic processes. It has been found that radiation energy does not affect T. vaginalis and causes only transitory changes (probably due to unknown substances occurring in the course of neoplastic process) which subsided after transfer on CPLM medium. Neither did X-rays exert any damaging effect. On the other hand, a group of 28 patients who received Trenimon and Nitrogranulogen, in addition to radiation therapy, showed a considerable number of destroyed Trichomonas with the remaining onex exhibiting degenerative changes and lack of multiplication. The observations were also confirmed in vitro. Changes were also found to occur in the composition of bacterial flora.