Przeprowadzono studia nad metodami ewaluacji ekonomicznej środowiska naturalnego. Przeanalizowano techniki badań degradacji otoczenia przyrodniczego oraz systemy ocen finansowej jego wartości stosowane w krajach wysokorozwiniętych i gospodarczo zapóźnionych. Przedstawiono siedem rodzajów metodyk wraz z ich technikami badań. Przeprowadzono także studia nad systemami zarządzania ochroną środowiska w różnych krajach. Badano miejsce zasobów przyrodniczych w hierarchii ważności poszczególnych społeczeństw, rządów, polityków oraz kręgów biznesu. Oceniono skuteczność stosowania instrumentów ekonomicznych, takich jak subsydia i podatki oraz uregulowań prawnych dla ograniczenia degradacji środowiska naturalnego.
International methods of the economic evaluation of the natural environment were investigated in detail. Techniques of natural environment degradation studies and systems of its financial value appraisal used in highly developed and economically backward countries were analysed. Seven types of methodologies and relevant investigation techniques were presented. Factors affecting the accuracy of these methods and of the expected results were discussed. The possibility and risk of using some of these methods depending on the place and purpose of estimating the economic value of the natural environment were evaluated. Environmental protection management systems in various countries were analysed in detail. The place of natural resources on the scale of values of different societies, governments, politicians and business circles was investigated. The quality of legal instruments, tools and procedures in the management of environmental protection was noted. The efficiency of using economic tools such as subsidies and taxes and of legal procedures to limit the natural environment degradation was estimated. The efficiency of the same instruments was found to vary according to wealthy countries such as the USA and Switzerland and poor countries such as Nepal, Brazil and Bangladesh.