Values of natural environment in the connection with human activity create various landscape combinations with a specific atmosphere of the place (spirit of the place, genius loci). Spirit of the place is a synthesis of nature and culture based on historical past. The man perceives information about environment thanks to processes formed by stimuli coming from the environment and also, through his motivations and needs, including aesthetical needs. Each type of culture, and, within its framework, particular social groups and, in a sense, every individual, have their own hierarchy of needs. those needs also undergo historical changes. Satisfying aesthetical needs is connected with aesthetical experiences. There are three kinds of those: the ones connected with physiological condition (nice feeling ofrelaxation), tasting nature as a pure show and admiring nature in relation to religious or metaphysical experiences. The aesthetic valuation of landscape is a valuation of actually existing environment and, more precisely, of its aesthetic values, arising in the mind through the process of perception and resulting in a defined experience. Such a valuation is non-relative and subjective. To simplify the procedure the term of visual attractiveness of landscape should by introduced (V AL), connected with an active approach. Visual attractiveness of landscape should be understood as the function of really existing landscape (L) and unified standards defining the system of aesthetic values (AV): VAL= f(L x {AV}) Aesthctic values of landscape in town planning should by considered from two points of view: as visual attractiveness of particular regions (natural and natural-cultural landscapes) and as visual attractiveness of particular views. those elements are supplementary thus they should be considered together. It has been assumed that landscape diversity should by considered as divided into structural (connected with the structure) and functional ( concerning functioning of the landscape). Physiognomic diversity has also been determined through the form (shape and contrast of the landscape) and contents (being the kind of elements within the landscape and the way it is filled with them, determined also by the cultural factor). It has been determined that visual attractiveness of landscape is the average of two factors: diversity of form, defined as the average of the sum of shape and length factor and of contrast; diversity of contents, defined as the average of the sum of horizontal relief extent and horizontal extent of coverage and the abundance of vegetation, diminished by disadvantageous influence of human activity. The valuation has been performed in the vicity of Pińczów (southern Poland), on the are of 77 sq. km. the above mentioned research of attractiveness of view are the development of the method of determining visual attractiveness of landscape on the basis of physiognomic diversification. The research has proven that the vicinity of Pińczów is characterised by special and lexique landscape values. Yet their proper use depends in a large measure on the policy of local authorities and the behaviour of the inhabitants. The presence of high landscape values may contribute the development of tourism.