Short-chained oxygenated VOC (oxVOCs) emissions from Pinus halepensis saplings were monitored in response to changes in water availability. Online measurements were made with a proton transfer reaction— mass spectrometer under controlled conditions, together with CO₂ and H₂O exchange measurements. Masses corresponding to methanol and acetone were the most emitted oxVOCs. All the oxVOC exchanges, except that of acetone (M59), were significantly related to stomatal conductance and transpiration. Acetaldehyde (M45) emission showed, moreover, a strong dependence on the concentration of acetaldehyde in the ambient: stomatal opening (stomatal conductance above 75 mmol m⁻² s⁻¹) only allowed increased emissions when external concentration were below 6 ppb. Acetone (M59) presented an important peak of emission following light and stomatal opening in the morning when plants were water stressed. Thus, the alterations in oxVOC emissions in P. halepensis caused by the water deficit seem to be mainly driven by water stress effect on stomatal closure and oxVOC air concentrations.