Experiments were conducted on two hematophagous species: Menacanthus stramineus N. and Menopon gallinae L. The Mallophaga gorged with blood, were taken from the chickens from 12 to 24 hours after they had died due to pasteurellosis. Blood was isolated from the struma of the Mallophaga, diluted with physiological fluid and then injected intramuscularly, into the peritoneum and subcutaneously in healthy chickens, chicks and white mice. Pasteurelia multocida was found in the blood of the animals that died due to this infection on the basis of Gram's staining method and on culture medium with sugar. It has been found, that the fowl pasteurellosis bacteria appear in the alimentary canal of Mallophaga already 4 hours after death of the chicken from pasteurellosis. But a greater mortality of the experimental animals is received when they are infected with infectious material from the alimentary canal of Mallophaga that have been taken from the chickens 12 hours of their death. The pasteurellosis bacteria were found in the alimentary canal of the insects that were taken from the dead chickens 120 hours after their death. Mice died in the time from 9 to 24 hours after orally infecting them with ground Mallophaga that were taken from chicken dead on pasteurellosis.