Karpaty Polskie są objęte różnego typu programami i koncepcjami międzynarodowymi. Są także przedmiotem opracowań w skali kraju, makroregionów i regionów. Nie we wszystkich obecnych opracowaniach specyfika obszarów górskich - zarówno w sensie środowiskowym, jak i społeczno- gospodarczym - znajduje właściwe odzwierciedlenie. Przedmiotem rozważań są w artykule tylko opracowania wielkoprzestrzenne, co jest równoznaczne z nieuwzględnieniem opracowań szczegółowych sporządzanych dla gmin karpackich.
The Karpaty Polskie constitute a small fragment of the entire Carpathian Range. They are included in various planning programmes and international conceptual projects (Item II). They also form a major component of the following planning documents: - all-Polish planning projects (A policy concept of the country's spatial management; National strategy of protection and balanced utilization of the bio-diversity) [Item III]; - macro-regional studies (A development strategy of the Polish-Slovak near-border regions; Focused study of a spatial management of the area adjacent to the Polish-Slovak border) [Item IV]; - Provincial Development Strategies (of the provinces of Małopolska, Podkarpacie, and Śląsk/Silesia) [Item V]. In the final Chapter (Item VI - Summary), it was highlighted that contrary to international planning programmes and projects, the spatial specilicity of mountainous regions is not accentuated strongly enough; this statement also refers to the Carpathian region. Recently, in Poland, there has been an absence of planning studies on the Karpaty Polskie region. This was the reason of incorporating some of the special conditions, of the Karpaty Polskie management, that were formulated in the "Study on the Spatial Target Management of Areas Near the Polish-Slovak Border".