Paper presents results of research on fillings of palaeochannels discovered in valley bottoms of Ner river near Lutomiersk and of Rawka river in Rawa Mazowiecka in central Poland (fig. 1). We have undertaken under study bedding and covering sediments of subfossil river channels as well. The analysis includes: lithology of series, geochemistry, archaeobotanic analysis. Some probes of organic sediments have been dated by radiocarbon method. Part of deposited layers have been dated by archaeological method. Both of registered subfossil channels have been discovered in the close vicinity of archaeological sites (fig. 2). In the case of Ner river, the settlement of Lusatian culture societies (Bechcice, site 1) was existing. It is dated on 4th and 5th Bronze Age Pariod and probably Halstat C Period. In Rawa Mazowiecka two prehistorie settlements (Rawa Mazowiecka sites 3 and 38) are known with main chronologic phase dated on Young Pre-Roman Period and on Old Roman Period. The beginning of filling of channel in Ner river we can correlate with the period about 1340-1150 BC and in the bottom of fillings deposits we have recognized fragments of pottery of Bronze Age Period and Hallstatt C Period (fig. 3). And the initiation of ox-bow accumulation in channel in Rawka river must be dated on before 530-380 BC (fig. 4, 5). In both of valleys are existing the thick cover of over bank deposits, represented by organic muddy and sands and accumulated in Medieval Period and Modern Period.