Opracowanie zawiera analizę danych uzyskanych w gospodarstwach świadczących usługi mechanizacyjne, przeprowadzoną w czterech gminach w Polsce. Przedstawiono charakterystykę badanych obiektów, posiadanych zasobów pracy, wyposażenia w maszyny i urządzenia do produkcji, wielkość świadczonych usług oraz ich strukturę.
The paper comprises an analysis of mechanization services provided by private entities (agricultural farms) for family farms in the form of hired labour and neighbourly help. The basis for analysis were studies conducted in 2008 on 78 farms in four communes (gminas) in Poland situated in regions with different economic and agricultural conditions. Field works concerning crop harvesting (cereal harvesting using combined harvester, grass and grassland cutting, straw and hay pressing) prevail in the structure of provided services. The studies confirmed that private units providing services are highly dispersed and have low technical potential. Under current conditionings, the services in the form of private hired labour and neighbourly help are the only alternative for mechanization services for family farms. The use of machinery and agricultural equipment by service providers outside their own farms improves their effectiveness and positively affects rational use of technical means.