18 saddle horses including 4 thoroughbred, 5 half-bred Anglo-Arabian, 3 of Wielkopolska breed and 6 not having parentage were studied. Having measured the hight at withers and sacrum, longitudinal trunk lenght, chest depth and chest and cannon girth, the following indices were calculated: chest girth, eurhysomia, chest depth, cannon girth. The aim of the experiment was an attempt to evaluate jumping ability of horses without riders on the path of 21 m long and 4,5 m wide. Three obstacles of 2 types were installed on it. The first type consisted of an "envelope" like oxer of 30 cm high, uprights of 70 cm and 140 cm high. The other one - the same first two obstacles and the oxer of 110/120 cm high and 130 cm wide /between the bars/. At the end of the experiment, the last obstacle was riscd up to determine jumping ability of horses. Correlations between jumping ability and above mentioned indices of exterior were calculated.