Visually evoked potentials (VEPs) were elicited by Gabor gratings with different lengths and widths at three spatial frequencies (SFs): low, 1.45 c/deg, medium, 2.9 c/deg and high, 5.8 c/deg and at a contrast 3 times above the detection threshold at each SF. An increase of grating length enhanced N1 amplitude at occipital and parietal positions stronger than the increase of grating width at aspect ratios (length : width) above 4:1. The stronger effect of stimulus length than width was reflected also in the amplitude of the later P1 component at central and parietal positions. The larger effect of stimulus length than width on the VEP amplitude was SF specific: it was stronger at 5.8 c/deg, smaller at 2.9 c/deg and vanished at 1.45 c/deg. The results obtained suggest anisotropy in the physiological mechanisms that underlie grating perception and involve bottom-up processes initiated in the occipital cortex.