Komisja Europejska wskazuje na rosnącą tendencję marnowania żywności, a zdaniem ekspertów obecnie straty mogą sięgać 100 mln ton. W Polsce nie przeprowadzono badań na temat ilości i przyczyn marnowania żywności. Celem pracy jest oszacowanie strat powstających w ogniwie łańcucha mleczarskiego, którym jest transport gotowych produktów od producenta do hurtowni lub sklepów. Badania są częścią projektu „Model ograniczania strat i marnowania żywności z korzyścią dla społeczeństwa” (akronim MOST). W pracy przedstawiono analizę wyników uzyskanych z wykorzystaniem ankiety przeprowadzonej w 46 jednostkach transportowych świadczących usługi dla spółdzielni mleczarskiej. Na tej podstawie wykazano, że uszkodzenia mechaniczne stanowią główne przyczyny strat w wymienionym etapie łańcucha żywnościowego. Rodzaj powstałych uszkodzeń wskazuje na fakt, że znacząca część produktów może nadal nadawać się do spożycia przez ludzi np. w ramach społecznych akcji rozdawania żywności. Na podstawie analizy zagrożeń wyznaczono osiem punktów, w których najczęściej dochodzi do strat produktów i które mogą potencjalnie stanowić miejsca odzysku na cele społeczne.
In 2006, the European Union has been wasted 89 million tons of food, and it is 20–30% of the total amount of purchased food. The European Commission points to the increasing trend of this undesirable phenomenon, and according to experts the current losses could reach 100 million tons. Poland, due to the amount of wasted food is classified among the EU countries in fifth place with estimated losses of 9 million tons, but this has not been conducted comprehensive research on the topic. The aim of the study is to estimate the losses in the dairy chain during the transport of finished product from manufacturer to wholesalers or shops. The research is part of the “Model of limiting losses and food waste for the benefit of society” (acronym MOST). Study were carried out in 2015 in a dairy cooperative located in the Podlasie region. Research related to the transport of finished products in 2013 and 2014. The survey was based on the group numbering 46 carriers. The questionnaire consisted of 18 questions specifications and on issues such as competence of drivers, the reasons for non-acceptance by the receiver, the specifics of mechanical damage. Based on the findings the Ishikawa diagram showing the causes of losses have been developed. The next step was based on the concept of HACCP hazard analysis and risk reduction of the quality of dairy products, on the basis of which Potential Recovery Points – PRO (the point from which it is possible to recover food for social purposes) have been designated. Considering the number of conditions affecting the formation of losses and waste, eight major points during the transport, from which it is possible to recover food were defined. The most important aspect for their designation was to assure the health safety of the consumer. Based on the findings it was also identified that the main cause of damage of the goods is the human factor, however arising during transport, mechanical damage (failure to meet the requirements of the protection function) may be associated with inadequate protection of goods, poor driving dynamics (lack of commitment of the driver), and poor organization of loading and unloading of goods. A thorough analysis of the causes and factors affecting the food loses amount indicates that despite appropriate organization processes certain events cannot be completely eliminated. Their effect was the creation within two years weight of 25,080 kg, indefatigable as intended but potentially safe food that could be given to charity.