Polska lichenologia ma bogate doświadczenia w ochronie porostów zarówno w sferze postulatywnej, jak i działań praktycznych. Jednym z głównych celów Międzynarodowej Konferencji „Ochrona Porostów – Porosty Chronione”, która odbyła się w dniach 11–14 września 2012 roku na terenie Leśnego Kompleksu Promocyjnego „Bory Lubuskie”, była prezentacja tych osiągnięć. Polscy i zagraniczni naukowcy mieli okazję do zapoznania się z wypracowanymi w ciągu ostatnich dziesięcioleci przez polskich lichenologów skutecznymi metodami i formami działań dotyczących ochrony porostów. Wskazano trudności w realizacji wielu zadań ochronnych. Odbyły się także warsztaty terenowe, których głównym celem było szkolenie leśników w rozpoznawaniu chronionych i zagrożonych gatunków porostów. W oparciu o treści referatów i wymianę poglądów podczas dyskusji wypracowano 14 wniosków końcowych Konferencji
The first requirements concerning lichen protection appeared in Poland as early as in the 1930’s. They were formulated by Józef Motyka, an eminent lichenologist. Lichens in Poland are protected by inclusion into the legally protected species lists. The first (not only on the national scale) areas were established for the protection of lichens: the ‘Bór Chrobotkowy im. Prof. Z. Tobolewskiego’ reserve [Sub-continental lichen Scots pine forest (Cladonio-Pinetum)] and lichen-based natural monuments. Lichenologists, based on the results of their own findings, demand that protective measures and action be taken. Some of them, e.g. the extension of the existing reserve territories are successful. Great difficulties are posed by the protection of roadside trees with valuable lichen species. Opinions and views on the above-mentioned subject were exchanged during the international conference entitled ‘Lichen Protection – Protected Lichen Species’ organised by the Laboratory of Biology and Nature Protection of the E. Piasecki University School of Physical Education in Poznań, Faculty of Physical Culture in Gorzów Wielkopolski. The conference participants are the authors of the monograph entitled ‘Lichen Protection – Protected Lichen Species’ published for this occasion. The Conference also encompassed field workshops mainly dedicated to the training of foresters in recognising valuable lichen species growing on trees and on the ground as well as the presentation of the contribution of epiphytic lichens in the secondary succession on burnt areas. In the final part of the Conference, the participants discussed the outline of the new version of the list of species legally protected in Poland. On the basis of the presentations and speeches delivered as well as the exchange of opinions and views during the discussions, 14 recommendations have been formulated. These recommendations have been sent to institutions, which are highly influential in the implementation of protection requirements raised by lichenologists.