A field experiment was conducted in 2007–2009 at Experimental Station Brody of Poznań University of Life Sciences to determine the effect of cover crop and tillage, including strip tillage, conventional tillage and no tillage on weed infestation in maize. Strip tillage implementation included coulter, shank, covering disks and rolling basket. Cultivated straps were 35 cm wide and 20 cm deep. Weed density for individual species was recorded prior postemergence herbicide application. Weed emergence was over ten times lower in case of strip tillage as compared with conventional tillage with emergence pattern in strip tillage generally similar to the no tillage. Main weed species were Chenopodium album and Echinochloa crus-galli and this weeds density the most depended on tillage. Much smaller quantity of white mustard cover crop had a similar potential for weed suppression to wheat residues.