The aim of our this work was analysis of specific immune response for B. burgdorferi according to in vivo antigens in regard to symptoms subjectively perceived by foresters, in 2009 and 2012. Material and methods: study group include 41 foresters (19 - 86 years old), from the forest district in Lubelskie region. All persons underwent serological diagnostic. We used 2 phase diagnosis method of Lyme diseases according to standards. Used tests include Borrelia antigens from in vivo group, which are not use in standard diagnosis test. The study was carried out in 2009 and then again in 2012. Results: The analysis of antibodies for Borrelia proteins, including the in vivo, demonstrated how active, long-term and time-variable is the process of B. burgdorferi infection. Conclusions: The expression of Borrelia proteins and high immunogenicity translates into effectiveness of diagnostic procedures concerning B. burgdorferi identification. Considering to not clear clinical manifestation and changeable immune response require individual approach to each patient.