Pangandaran fishermen use various types of fishing gear to catch fish, one of which is a liftnet. Floating liftnet fishing in Pangandaran is usually carried out at night, especially during dark months so that fish and cructaceans can gather in the area, as such animals are attracted to light (positive phototactic properties). These animals are deemed pelagic as they live on the surface of the waters. The weight and number of catch by fishermen are different depending on the time of hauling. Based on this, it is necessary to conduct research on the effect of the time of hauling on the floating liftnet catch. Accordingly, the optimal hauling time for floating liftnet fishing in Pangandaran was after midnight into early morning (00.00-04.00) and the average total catch is 386.12 kg. The main catch is mostly jawla paste shrimp and squid shrimp with a catch rate of 92.9 kg / hour.