In 2007–2010, the efficacy trials on two-compound tank-mix applied herbicides: Milagro 040 SC, Callisto 100 SC, Mustang 306 SE and Refine 75 WG were carried out by the Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute, Sośnicowice Branch. The herbicide tank-mix were applied at recommended doses as a single treatment at T1date. The herbicides were also applied using split doses at T1 and T2 date applications, combined with adjuvant Atpolan Bio 80 EC.The weed species Solanum nigrum and Chenopodium album were controlled by the herbicidal mixes in the range 92–100%, regardless of the treatment date or joint application with the adjuvant Atpolan Bio 80 EC. Polygonum convolvulus, Polygonum aviculare and Echinochloa crus-galli were best controlled by treatments with the use of split doses of the products. The efficacy of the tested treatments against Agropyron repens depended mostly on the selection of the products used in the mix, and was less dependent on the date of application. The results of the study indicated that weeds like E. crus-galli, or P. convolvulus could be controlled more effectively by using split doses of tank-mix applied herbicides and jointly with adjuvants.