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The effect of anthocyanic cells of the epidermal layer was investigated on photosynthetic activity of the higher plant Tradescantia pallida. To determine the possible indirect role of anthocyanin in photosynthesis, analysis was done on intact leaves and leaves where anthocyanic epidermal layer was removed. Energy dissipation processes related to Photosystem II (PSII) and Photosystem I (PSI) activity was done using simultaneously Chlorophyll a (Chl a) fluorescence and P700 transmittance signals change. In anthocyanic epidermalless leaves, PSII photochemical activity was more decreased in dependence to increasing light irradiance exposure. We found that photoinhibition of PSII decreased PSI activity by reducing the electron flow toward PSI, especially under high light intensities. Under those conditions, it resulted in the accumulation of oxidized PSI reaction centers, which was stronger in leaves where the anthocyanic epidermal layer was removed. In conclusion, our results showed that the anthocyanic epidermal layer had a photoprotective effect only on the PSII and not on the PSI of T. pallida leaves, supporting the role of anthocyanin pigments in the regulation of photosynthesis for excess absorbed light irradiance.
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